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CCSD Announces Winners of Student Mask Usage PSA Contest

CCSD Announces Winners of Student Mask Usage PSA Contest

The first-place winning poster for the elementary school division was created by Bascomb Elementary School second-grader Keiko Bruno.

Please see the gallery HERE [CONTENT_REVIEW InternalLink] for photos from today's surprise presentations.

The Cherokee County School District today surprised the winners of its poster and video contests to seek students’ help in encouraging mask usage among their classmates.

CCSD students in grades 6-12 were invited to create and enter a short public service announcement-style video that educates students about the benefits of mask usage by students at school, and students in grades K-12 were invited to design and enter a poster promoting the same message.  The winning videos and posters will be used in CCSD schools and on CCSD websites and social media to promote student mask usage.

The first-place winners are: for the poster contest, Elementary School - Keiko Bruno, Bascomb ES, second grade; Middle School - Zachary Gonzalez, E.T. Booth MS, eighth grade; High School - Katie LaCoco, Creekview HS, 10th grade; for the video contest, Middle School - Chloe Feibus, Creekland MS, eighth grade; High School - Kara Simons, Creekview HS, 11th grade.

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower today visited the winning students’ schools to present them with their prizes, funded with donations from CCSD Partners.  The video first-place winners each earned a $300 Amazon gift card, and the poster first-place winners each earned a $150 Amazon gift card.  The poster winners also received framed copies of the poster featuring their winning design; posters are being printed for display in the appropriate grade-level schools districtwide.

“We received dozens of outstanding entries from our students promoting the importance of wearing masks at school during this pandemic,” Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower said, noting that entries were judged for message, quality and creativity.  “Not only did they impress us with their creativity and skill, whether in drawing and painting or in scripting and filming, but they also expressed themselves clearly in their messaging as role models for their peers.  Congratulations and thank you!” 

The contest also recognized second-place winners: for the poster contest, Elementary School - William Shaffer, Boston ES, third grade; Middle School - Emalee Bennett, Dean Rusk MS, eighth grade; High School - Chansia White, Woodstock HS, ninth grade; for the video contest, Middle School - Adrian Shaffer, E.T. Booth MS, sixth grade; High School - Mary Grace Chandler, River Ridge HS, 12th grade.  The video second-place winners each earned a $100 Amazon gift card, and the poster second-place winners each earned a $50 Amazon gift card.  Second-place poster winners also received framed copies or their posters and will see their posters printed for display in their own school.

The students also will be congratulated with a virtual recognition by the Cherokee County School Board and Superintendent of Schools at the School Board’s Feb. 11 meeting.
#CCSDfam #CCSDunited

The first-place winning poster for the middle school division was created by E.T. Booth Middle School eighth-grader Zachary Gonzalez.

The first-place winning poster for the middle school division was created by E.T. Booth Middle School eighth-grader Zachary Gonzalez.

The first-place winning poster for the high school division was created by Creekview High School sophomore Katie LaCoco.

The first-place winning poster for the high school division was created by Creekview High School sophomore Katie LaCoco.




The first-place winning video for the middle school division was created by Creekland Middle School eighth-grader Chloe Feibus.




The first-place winning video for the high school division was created by Creekview High School 11th-grader Kara Simons.


The second-place winning poster for the elementary school division was created by Boston Elementary School third-grader William Shaffer.

The second-place winning poster for the elementary school division was created by Boston Elementary School third-grader William Shaffer.

The second-place winning poster for the middle school division was created by Dean Rusk Middle School eighth-grader Emalee Bennett.

The second-place winning poster for the middle school division was created by Dean Rusk Middle School eighth-grader Emalee Bennett.

The second-place winning poster for the high school division was created by Woodstock High School ninth-grader Chansia White.




The second-place winning video for the middle school division was created by E.T. Booth Middle School sixth-grader Adrian Shaffer.




The second-place winning video for the high school division was created by River Ridge High School senior Mary Grace Chandler.